outubro 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

This photo is old but I love my hair in this haircut.

It's so hard to start to study with all this temptations. New photos on my favorites blogs, food and PSP games. XD
My siamese cat Samira trying to catch some cute black/white bug on my books.
"Almost there..." She's thinking... XD
I saved the bug.  It's so cute and weird at the same time.
Pessoas queridas que leem meu blog, desculpe estar ausente por tantos dias. Estou bastante ocupada com minhas aulas práticas de direção. =/  E estou estudando pra um concurso público no mês que vem. Quero muito passar, me desejem sorte. Obrigada!!
I'm sorry that i've been so distant from the blog lately, I've just been really stressed out about a number of things. First of all, I'm learning to drive. Learning to drive can be an exciting experience, but for me in particular was a stressfull experience because my first lesson was a disaster. My instructor told me that I was good for the first time and that I will become more familiarised with the basic controls and get more confidence. I'm on my 4th driving lesson but I'm still so stressed and feeling anxious everytime that I go behind  the wheel. I hope it will get better. Second I'm studying for a big test next month. I’m applying to a position in a public bank's media. Wish me luck guys. Thanks!!

Happy Halloween bloggers!!
We don't use to celebrate Halloween, in Brazil, but I like all about the holiday. So I decided to leave here one of my favorites songs from one of my childhood favorites movies: Hocus Pocus, with Sarah Jessica Parker.  
Click on the purple smile:

outubro 06, 2011

Deep in a Dream

Gabriel e eu fomos ao Salão do Estudante, uma feira de intercambios, no hotel Mercure perto da casa dele. Foi super proveitoso e interessante. Até consegui conversar com uma representante americana, apesar do meu péssimo ingles e da minha timidez. Ufa... apesar dos preços ainda estarem além do meu alcance, eu acho que com esforço e dedicação dá para fazer um curso de inglês em algum lugar entre os Estados Unidos e a Australia... mas meu sonho mesmo era poder ir para o Canadá e me estabelecer por lá. 
Gabriel and I went to a cultural exchange and education abroad exposition, at the Mercure hotel, near his home. It was very helpful and interesting. I even could talk to an American representative, despite my bad English and my shyness. Phew ... although prices are still beyond my reach, I think that with effort and dedication you can do an English course somewhere between the U.S. and Australia ... but my dream was to be able to go to Canada and establish myself there.

Dress: Betsey Johnson (old)
Belt/bag: bought at a fair 
Bracelets: made it mylself

Cardigan: Opção
Flats: Anna Luz

Steve Jobs 1955 - 2011